Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Last Friday Erin, Liz, Krista and I went to Assisi, which is just a 20 minute train ride followed by a 5 minute bus ride from Perguia. It was a beautiful city, a bit cleaner than Perugia, and there were churches basically on every street. Everywhere we looked we saw a sign pointing in the direction of a different church. It was a bit more touristy than Perugia, but still had a very small city feel. I believe it actually is a good bit smaller than Perguia. While we were outside of the Basilica of St. Francis, a nun, who later told us that she lived near by, came up to us and offered to take our picture. After taking one, she decided to move us around in attempt to get better pictures. It was quite a funny experience. From the top of a wall near the Basilica there were beautiful vistas of the surrounding countryside. Perguia is somewhere in the distance there.

A view of the countryside.

Another view.

The Basilica of St. Francis.

There was also a castle/fortress on the top of the hill that we didn't quite make it to. Hopefully we'll have a chance to go back and see if we can make it up there.

Something was a bit lost in translation (porcini mushrooms have become porky mushrooms).

I also had my first project for photography class, which was to take 200 pictures of one object. I chose a water spigot in the piazza near my apartment. Last class we put the pictures on the photography lab computers and we'll start working on our six favorites next week. Unfortunately the pictures look a lot more dull and less sharp after I have uploaded them, but there are a couple attached below.

I have a few papers to work on this weekend. One, my photography paper on Henri Cartier-Bresson, I have started and hope to mostly finish by this weekend. We also have to present an in-class presentation on the photographer, so I will get working on that. Neither paper is due soon, but I want to make sure to get them done so I have other weekends free. Next Saturday, my Contemporary Italy class is actually going to Sienna for the day. I will update more regarding that once it has happened.


  1. Thanks for sharing some photos!
    The castle in the background kind of looks surreal- what do you think?
    Was the water coming out of the spigot frozen or did you capture the drip at that moment? Seeing the spigot brings back memories of our trip to Italy and the fascinating ones we saw. They're artful! Interested to hear and see Sienna and possibly the Piazza!
    Glad to hear classes are going fine!

  2. Cool. I think you need to climb the hill and take over the fortress. I mean, they're kinda expecting it, right? Why build a fortress with such begging-for-it-walls unless you plan on putting it to good use? That's the rationale you should use too...when the police show up. Of course, they're probably gonna be taking a "lunch break" sipping spresso across the street- too much to care.

    Hope all is well, write again soon!

  3. Ha ha, funny Brian- are you luring Christopher to your Indiana Jones ways? Christopher, we surely don't want to get a call from the Italian police!

  4. And, of course, the police are right across the street already. That looks like some hike up to the castle; I'd leave plenty of time.

    The picture of the H2O drip is amazing as it looks like it was not frozen. keep the postings coming as everyone really appreciates them

  5. Ma,
    No, the water wasn't frozen, it's not nearly cold enough here for that to happen. I used a fast shutter speed and waited. I have many pictures of the water drop still hanging onto the faucet. Yes there are many nice fountains throughout the city meant mainly for you to drink from. This was just a regular old metal one, though.

    I plan on it, don't worry. I've been helping to organize the rebels and we'll be making the ascent soon enough.

    It was far up there, but we're so used to everything being very hilly here that it probably wouldn't be too bad.

  6. Nice photos Chris!
    The view is fascinating! 200 photos on the spigot, wow that must have been a little overwhelming. Depending on the height from the end of the spout to the ground maybe put some sort of container full of water on the ground and get the drop going into the container splashing up(IDK just a thought pahaha)? I just realized I'm multiple days late on commenting so I don't know if you have access to that anymore. Well, it seems all is going fine. Just keep filling us in!
