Saturday, January 17, 2009

La Prima Settimana Pictures

Taken from inside the MiniMetro with another MiniMetro car coming at us.

Most of the people in Perugia seem very friendly, especially the people in the stores. Despite my broken Italian, the vast majority of the store workers try their best to understand me and help figure out what I'm after instead of just resorting to using English, which most of them seem to know pretty well.

Next week actual classes start. I'm looking forward to them and hope that I enjoy them, although how could I not considering where I am.

The view from out my window.

The military installation across the street.

It's been raining a bit in the past couple of days.

The view out my window down the street.

The walkway in the center of the picture is actually the top of an ancient aqueduct.

The view from the road right near my apartment.

More of said view.


  1. Wow, what views! In a way, they seem like Furnari and the outskirts. You haven't forgotten that walking tour- Chriiiistooopher!!
    What a disappointment after taking the minimetro but the good news is you know your local markets are better and more convenient!
    I'm looking forward to more!

  2. CT, your description is very interesting for sure and the pictures make me feel as if we were there with you.

    I'm glad the Itallian is coming back so quickly but, of course, you are known as "Mr. Get it Quick" any way.

    Glad you and Erin are sharing this adventure and I'm sure the classes will be great.

  3. Enjoy your classes! Have a great week.

  4. Well well well Mr. Get It Quick...what a lovely day in the park it is! AWESOME mini-metro! Why doesn't every ancient town have one? The views are amazing, on a serious note. Show us food pictures!

  5. Ma,
    Perugia is a little nicer than Furnari, but it's a similar in that it's a much smaller city than the others we visited in italy.

    Oh good I'm glad to hear that. Yes, most of the classes are good, they're a bit different than back home, but so is everything else here.

    Mrs. Costello,
    Thanks! I hope you did too.

    I'm not really sure, I'll have to work on the campaign to get that international law passed.
